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About us

Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) strives to deliver an efficient service to all members of the community both responsively and preventatively. Working closely with our emergency services colleagues on the frontline or in a supporting role, we are invested in delivering change for a safer Northamptonshire for all.

Three firefighters talking, one pointing, one with a thermal imaging camera

The Fire and Rescue Service are in the midst of a challenging reform and change agenda and, whilst there is no shortage of opinion or direction on what needs to be done, it is important that we consider and agree how it will be done, just as our individual values determine our own behaviour.  The acceptance and adoption of organisational values should improve the quality of our service to the public and the way we work together. When asked, people in the Fire Service felt that honesty, integrity, trust, teamwork, service and respect were still important and relevant in today’s service. Our values have been born from these feelings and can be seen below.

We undertook a comprehensive risk analysis and public consultation in order to inform our current Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) for the period 2022 – 2025.  A brief summary of this plan is available.

Our values

  • Excellence
  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Inclusive
  • Humility
  • Caring
  • Integrity
  • Pride

Our vision

The vision of NFRS is Making Northamptonshire Safer.

Each year the service undertakes a strategic review, analysing current national and regional guidance, influences, performance and expectations, together with access to resources and progress made to date in modernising and improving the service. The purpose of these reviews is to focus work on organisational direction and community safety outcomes, ensuring the services aims, objectives and priorities to support the vision. To achieve our vision the service has identified three strategic objectives for the period 2022 to 2025.

Strategic aims

The strategic aims of the service are underpinned by three key objectives:

  • Keeping our communities safe and well
  • Keeping our staff safe and well
  • Making the best of our resources

In support of each objective, the service has identified priorities to deliver these objectives:

Keeping our communities safe and well

  • We will deliver our prevention priorities and target our intensive support to those who need it most
  • We will deliver our RBIP** planning for the medium term and continually monitor for short term change
  • We will continue develop our flexible response model; creating a more adaptable resource to match the risk

Keeping our staff safe and well

  • ​we will remain committed to being a listening and learning organisation that meets the needs of a diverse workforce
  • We will continue to promote a positive work culture for our staff, and to attract the best, most talented candidates for the future that reflects the community we serve
  • We will ensure our staff are equipped, trained and supported to deliver their role effectively​

Making the best use of our resources

  • ​​We will continue to work with others, where it makes sense to do so
  • We will expand the data and intelligence we gather which informs our decisions
  • We will develop more effective working practices with the right infrastructure (systems, equipment, vehicles, estates) to deliver our Services

The adoption of our CRMP allows the service to organise and prioritise using the available resources and budgets, making collaboration with other fire and rescue services and other key partners more viable.

Following the publication in May 2021 of a new Core Code guidance, Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue is committing itself to embedding the five key principles in its work.

  • Putting our communities first – we put the interest of the public, the community and service users first.
  • Integrity – we act with integrity including being open, honest and consistent in everything we do.
  • Dignity and respect – making decisions objectively based on evidence, without discrimination or bias.
  • Leadership – we are all positive role models, always demonstrating flexibility and resilient leadership. We are all accountable for everything we do and challenge all behaviour that falls short of the highest standards.
  • Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) – We continually recognise and promote the value of EDI both within the FRSs and the wider communities in which we serve. We stand against all forms of discrimination, create equal opportunities, promote equality, foster good relations, and celebrate difference.

Our Commitment

Our behaviour is central to effectively serving our community. We will ensure the resources, policies and procedures are in place, so our organisation acts in accordance with the Core Code.

Through adhering to the Core Code, we will strive to create a positive, responsible, innovative, open, and challenging working environment in which ability and delivery is valued, encouraged, developed, recognised, and rewarded.

We are committed to continually improving the behaviours within the sector at all levels and ensuring that employees treat each other with humanity, dignity, and respect.

We will always act appropriately to address behaviour which falls below the standards set in the Core Code

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.

Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service are committed to the safeguarding of adults, young people and children and recognise that the protection and safety of these individuals is ‘everyone’s responsibility’ and therefore all staff, either in a paid or voluntary capacity have a role to play in safeguarding and preventing the abuse of those who may be vulnerable.

As part of our statutory duty, we regularly produce a CRMP, previously known as an IRMP. This considers the foreseeable risks within the county and outlines how we plan to mitigate these through our resources. This is one of three key documents which provide strategic direction for the service, alongside the Commissioner’s Police, Fire and Crime plan (consulted upon during November 2021) and Fire25; the Chief Fire Officers vision for the service for 2025.

In the annual review document we are providing an update on what we said we would do, the progress we have made and a link to our performance in the first year of a three-year CRMP.

Community Risk Management Update 2023

Community Risk Management Plan 2022-2025 (full version) 

Community Risk Management Plan 2022-2025 (summary) 


List of strategic objectives for Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service


  • Emergency Cover Review – review our data and current resources to make proposals for future procurement and ways of working
  • Adapt to climate change – review our data and current resources to make proposals for future ways of working and consider wider climate change impact and legislation on a day-to-day business
  • Review our current data and intelligence – plan to invest in new technology and work with partner organisations to enhance our understanding of risk and drive performance improvements

These priorities and projects are based upon our review of the community risk for Northamptonshire, these are summarised within the CRMP but you can also read the full detail within our Background Risk Analysis, and of our Equality Impact Analysis.

We undertook a public consultation to invite key stakeholders to help shape this plan, which ran from 20 December 2021 – 31 January 2022.  The majority of respondents agreed with our assessment of the major risks facing our communities and with the proposals and activities we had outlined.  You can read more about the detail of this consultation and our response to feedback received, within the Consultation Summary Report.

Previous years’ plans

Our previous CRMP (Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP)) was produced and consulted on back in 2018/19, below is a summary of some of our achievements from this plan.

​Previous IRMPs are available upon request. Please contact us​ and a member of the team will respond to you.

At Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) we are committed to ensuring that inclusion and diversity is at our core, both in terms of how we treat our staff and in relation to the services we provide. Under the banner of ‘Inclusion’, equality and diversity is part of our Service Values. Over the last 10 years much has been done to ensure that we meet both our legislative and moral responsibilities in this area. This includes ensuring that we create a working environment where all staff feel they have the opportunity to contribute and prosper. It also means utilising all of the information available to us in order to target our prevention work based on risk and vulnerability within our communities. However, more needs to be done and therefore a key area of focus for us in the coming years will be to attract applications from a more diverse range of backgrounds for roles within the Service, whether this be in front line firefighter posts, or other roles that help to keep communities safer, which in turn helps us deliver a better service to them. Therefore equality and diversity will continue to be a critical golden thread that runs though all aspects of our Service.

What do we mean by diversity?

Diversity helps create the strongest team possible for our service and helps us connect more easily with everyone in the communities we serve. Simply put, it makes us more effective and efficient. We continually develop our relationships with partner groups, so we are able to “hear” those whose voice might be quieter. This is everyone’s responsibility and we work hard to make sure that every contact counts and every opportunity is taken to make a difference in the lives of the people we serve. This is essential if we are to deliver a service that is fair, honest and just, as perceived by the diverse community we seek to serve, and all members of NFRS.

What do we mean by culture?

Our strategy is further demonstration of our commitment to listen to our staff and assist them in challenging discriminatory ideas and behaviour. We must all work towards being tolerant and patient whilst developing a listening culture based on respect and mutual trust. We need to ensure the further development of co-operation and creativity and positively encourage innovation which can be acted upon for the greater good.

What does this mean for us?

Every member of NFRS, whatever their role, has a responsibility to implement this approach. We also have a responsibility to uphold our values and the principles upon which these are founded, which means that we equally must be prepared to challenge language, behaviour and attitude that falls short of them and ensure that we are inclusive in all that we do. A report on equality and diversity of staff within NFRS is presented below:

Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA)

NFRS are a proud, corporate member of AFSA aiming to create opportunities, build, innovate and cultivate a better future for our employees.  Further information about AFSA is available on their website.

Asian Fire Service Association logo


Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service logo

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